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Selasa, 21 April 2020

My Dad My Hero

My Dad is my hero. He is so special. He is handsome, smart, humorous, and neat.

I know he is smart since he can solve many math problems. He also introduces his children to a simple way of counting and many mathematics "hacks" that isn't taught at school.

He can count really fast. Without calculator! Ask him any addition, substraction, division, or multiplication. Mark my  word. He can do it really fast! My little sister also has the same ability to count fast, it is because she had learned abacus for couple years. But still, my father counts faster than my sister!

The other thing is that he likes to read a lot. He collects many comics. Donald Ducks, Uncle Scrooge, he has a lot that we think we can open a library at home for those who wants to read.

I think he also wants his children to inherit this good habit. So, when we were kids, he regularly bought Bobo for us, weekly for sure. Although I realized that when I was a kid, the only thing that attracts me to read Bobo was the comic 😂 only after we grow older, we started reading the other part that was actually precious and full of knowledge.

Not only that, once a month he took us to a book store to pick our favourite book and it can be any genre! I remember my older sister was always picking the novel series from Dar! Mizan, my little sister was consistently picking Mio series, and I was the one who picked random genre. I remember buying a book such as "Science Project as you were Einsteins" containing many fun science activities to try at home. or The Scientist series such as Marie Curie or something. Although yes, to be honest, I was just reading it without really understand what was that book about. But that's okay cuz I still get entertained by reading the books my sister picked while probably my sisters didn't get entertained from the book I picked.

I remember buying a fantasy book entitled Erec Rex The Dragon Eye, and my sister was like "Why do you even buy this kind of book?" and I said nothing but "I like it."

The thing is, perhaps  we will never read many books if my dad didn't buy those books for us. While my mom, she personally thought that a "proper book" is only the one that is related to school lesson. She will support us to buy academic books, but not for story books. 😂

The next special thing is that my dad is really neat. He is the one who wrote our name on the cover of our school books when we were students. Very neatly. My mom is a nurse so she doesn't really have a neat handwriting, you know, do you have such messy handwriting? Don't worry, it's probably cuz you own doctor's handwriting style 😎

When my dad is a super hero for me, it doesn't mean that he is never angry. Nope. He is the one who scolded us if we did something wrong. Unlike my mom who never beats or scolds us. But that's still acceptable, unless we will never know if we did wrong. We will never learn if he never taught us how to behave. So, thanks daddy.

Psst.. I remember that if my father was really angry, I would probably cry and ask for my mom's support. And there she was. We are lucky cuz she was always on her children's side no matter how annoying we are 😂 I know. No one can beat mother's love :')

But overall, my dad is a hero. Thanks Daddy ❤️ I love you ❤️

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